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Bit Of A Yarn

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I decided to look a little deeper into the dog that finished in 7th place, in a 6-dog race, as I believe that GRNZ had paid a small dividend back to 6th place in a race then, which likely never happened in this instance.

With that research, I believe it was Thane Green, who unfortunately is no longer with us, that was the owner & trainer at the time.

My goal was to give a heads up to the owner and/or trainer of Call Me Leo and suggest they contact GRNZ about the situation & claim any money owed to them.

Obviously, that can't happen now. So, if whoever was/is in charge of his estate is made aware, a phone call would likely net the estate $40 (if memory serves). 6th place now pays $50, but I believe the increase was made after the error in GRNZ's data.

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  On 11/02/2024 at 9:37 AM, Yankiwi said:

Yet another bad day at the office.





It hasn't been a very happy new year for the dogs that raced at Manukau.


Have not read stipes report, but did tune into 1 race only to see what looked like a broken hock. That was it for me.

  Charles on another subject, I do not know why the thread where I asked about your booster shot only to have it rudely shut down and locked came as a surprise to me. I appreciate your honest answer and would of come back with a reply because your story deserved one.

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  On 11/02/2024 at 9:01 PM, aquaman said:

Have not read stipes report, but did tune into 1 race only to see what looked like a broken hock. That was it for me.

  Charles on another subject, I do not know why the thread where I asked about your booster shot only to have it rudely shut down and locked came as a surprise to me. I appreciate your honest answer and would of come back with a reply because your story deserved one.


Possibly you could respond in the link below John.



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Up to 74 dogs going to roll the dice on Sunday in Auckland.



Met service is predicting a red weather warning for those dogs.




If 74 dogs do indeed start and factoring in current season data, expect 4.6 injuries requiring a stand-down. 2.5 of those injuries will be minor/med and 2.1 of those injuries will be major.

So, with rounding, expect 5 stand-down injuries, 3 of which will be minor/med and 2 to be major.

Let's check back on Sunday night and see how well real-world pointless data performs.

Maybe Chief can make his prediction too, with his far superior data analytics.

Bragging rights are up for grabs.

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  On 15/02/2024 at 7:37 AM, Yankiwi said:

So, with rounding, expect 5 stand-down injuries, 3 of which will be minor/med and 2 to be major.

Let's check back on Sunday night and see how well real-world pointless data performs.

Maybe Chief can make his prediction too, with his far superior data analytics.

Bragging rights are up for grabs.


Hey Chief,

I'm still waiting for your prediction on the number of dogs that will be injured and which category those injuries will be attributed to at tomorrow's Auckland race meet.

Show me how good your normalized, manipulated data can perform by using the trends it would provide.

My prediction is highly volatile, as I only used current season data (two race meets) to form my prediction.

Surely you can narrow it down much better with a further reaching cross section of your superior data.

Don't be shy.

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Race 4 - the #2 dog was free of interference when the bad thing happened.

Better rush it off to the vet & get the leg put back under it.

Expect the steward to blame it on getting trampled on shortly thereafter.


It wouldn't have happened if they were racing in Cambridge.  

It wouldn't have happened if welfare underpinned everything GRNZ does.

I warned them...

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  On 15/02/2024 at 7:37 AM, Yankiwi said:

So, with rounding, expect 5 stand-down injuries, 3 of which will be minor/med and 2 to be major.

Let's check back on Sunday night and see how well real-world pointless data performs.


Results are in.

My estimates assumed that 74 dogs would start as the original fields were posted. Two of those were early scratched, with no replacements taking their place. Two further were late scratched so they didn't go around either. That left 70 to start during the race meeting.

Even with four less dogs going around, I only overestimated injuries by one minor/med.

Two minor & two major were incurred.

Red = Bad.



3rd quarter current standings.



Season to date standings.



Well GRNZ, it's well past time to do something. Ignoring it is the old way of running the industry. Do something to minimize or alleviate the risks.

Doing something is better than doing nothing, right?

Do I have to spend another week embarrassing you to finally take notice?

Do I need to gain trainers support to simply stop nominating for Manukau?  There's at least 10 years of data I can compile to clearly show trainers why they shouldn't be racing there.

Do I need to get trainers to ring you and say that if you don't transfer racing operation in the north to Cambridge, they won't nominate their dogs for Sundays?

I haven't looked at the forward racing schedule, but PLEASE tell me this isn't one of the months the Waikato racing club is run on a Thursday at Manukau.


J Udy & D Cottam, M & J Smith, Tracey & Lisa Craik, P M Heterick, R & L Udy, R K Roper, R & N O'Regan, N P Green, J P Foot, A J Christiansen, G Farrell, D R Laing, and L D Martin. You all know what's going on in Manukau. I know most of you personally & I also know that most if not all of you care deeply about your dogs & their welfare. Why are you NOMINATING for Manukau? You have the power. Why not ring GRNZ and tell them enough is enough. This has to stop. Change all Manukau meets to Cambridge until the time they sort out this death trap out or build a new track if they are worried about the venue & it's future.


As for today, I did notice a key surname in the north with NO dog racing today. Can you spot it?


Is it possible that the Wayne has made a stand & stopped nominating. Is he lacking the numbers on the board to accomplish anything? I've highlighted the people I expect would be fighting at board level for welfare & want this to get this sorted out.

Absent from that list is Emerging Director Corey Steele, who I know deeply cares for his dogs too.

What about these surnames? Why didn't they have dogs going around Manukau today? There were only 70 starters in a race meet that should have at least had 96.

  • W & T Steele
  • C Steele
  • Walsh
  • Pruden & Whittaker
  • Lozell
  • Potts
  • Codlin
  • Lawrence
  • Ferguson
  • Mullane
  • Elder

Trainers that raced today, you have the power to get this sorted once & for all. Ring GRNZ and demand they fix Manukau, nothing less. This will help Wanye gain the power he needs to get the dead weight on the board over themselves.

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  On 18/02/2024 at 7:49 AM, Chief Stipe said:

Thanks for publishing this Chief.

I had heard a whisper that "an altercation with protesters" at Cambridge on Thursday late afternoon. Had no real details about it and nothing to back it up, so hadn't mentioned it myself.

Sometimes the Admin of BOAY gets in a huff when I make a claim but then can't prove it.

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What happened here AGRC?

68 races down south and winning over 33K from them.

Then in its first start at Manukau, it was handy to the pace out of the 527m boxes and could only make it to the 318m boxes before your track completely changed the dog's course of life.

Off to the vet to put its leg back under it with less than half a race on your track.




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  On 19/02/2024 at 2:29 AM, Yankiwi said:

What happened here AGRC?

68 races down south and winning over 33K from them.

Then in its first start at Manukau, it was handy to the pace out of the 527m boxes and could only make it to the 318m boxes before your track completely changed the dog's course of life.

Off to the vet to put its leg back under it with less than half a race on your track.





I'm not surprised it broke down.  When did it ever have a spell?  Often raced twice in 3 days.  3 times in a week!

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  On 18/02/2024 at 5:49 AM, Yankiwi said:

What about these surnames? Why didn't they have dogs going around Manukau today? There were only 70 starters in a race meet that should have at least had 96.

  • W & T Steele
  • C Steele
  • Walsh
  • Pruden & Whittaker
  • Lozell
  • Potts
  • Codlin
  • Lawrence
  • Ferguson
  • Mullane
  • Elder

Above - Northern trainers that had NO dogs racing in Auckland last Sunday.


Next - Norther trainers which appear in the above list that have dogs drawn to a field in Cambridge for Thursday.

  • W & T Steele
  • C Steele
  • Pruden & Whittaker
  • Codlin
  • Lawrence
  • Ferguson
  • Mullane
  • Elder

Below - Northern trainers which have dogs drawn for Cambridge on Thursday that had dogs race at Cambridge last Thursday.

  • W & T Steele
  • C Steele
  • Pruden & Whittaker
  • Codlin
  • Lawrence
  • Ferguson
  • Mullane
  • Elder

Summary - 8 Northern trainers raced and will race some of their dogs on two consecutive Thursdays in Cambridge but did not race any of their dogs on Sunday in Auckland.


Next - Major injuries.




In Auckland 1.1% of starters incur a major injury.

In Cambridge 0.4% of starters incur a major injury.

A dog is almost three times as likely to have a career ending injury in Auckland when compared to Cambridge.

That's the brutal truth.

GRNZ's KPI target has no regard for individual track safety data. Their target averages the safe tracks with the dangerous tracks.



There are two tracks in NZ that on an individual basis that have a much higher chance of a major injury than their KPI target. GRNZ does not provide you (or anyone) with that data. I've asked this exact question of one of your GRNZ board members on another thread. There has been no response from him in that thread as of yet.


Why wouldn't a GRNZ board member answer the question? Why would a GRNZ board member offer to have a chat with me on the phone, but not answer my question on a forum that he's already first approached me on, where anyone can see it?

Connect those dots people.

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Back to Goldstar Hans.




As Aquaman has said, he didn't check off the heels of any dog as the Steward claimed. He tried to cut the corner by going over the rail. That's a near impossible (and dangerous) task when you're running at full speed nearly parallel to it.

But why did he do that?

Here's the why's.

  • The lead dog is about 9m behind the lure (a no-race if the old rule was adhered too). But now Hans is another 9m behind the lead dog that's going to get his lure if he doesn't think quick. There's just no way he'll ever get it if he tries to do so in the way he's been trained to get it.
  • He's a smart fast dog, but this time he's running at the back of the pack. He wants to get to his lure first. That's his job and he loves to compete to get his lure. He knows that if he runs to where his lure is in this moment, he isn't going to be first. So, he came up with the plan of not chasing where his lure was, but where it was going to be soon. If he cuts the corner, he'll quickly become the closest dog to his lure & the prize will his. There's simply are not enough things in his way to keep him from doing just that (safety rail up higher than the running rail). He's Got This!


I've got two dogs in my home as part of my family.

One couldn't work out how to get to the kibble out of her food bowl if I put plastic wrap over it (10 years old). The other (2 years old) had learned how to open the cabinet their kibble is kept in (before I put a lock on it) & was able to topple the entire container of it off the shelf it is kept on.

Guess which one of my two would be most likely to try jumping over Auckland rail while running parallel to it?

All dogs are not the same. All dogs think differently. Some dogs are good at solving puzzles & some are not.

I'll bet that back in his home kennel, Hans a champion puzzle solver.

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Goldstar Hans is a smart dog.

He retains all of the GRNZ rules of racing (even though many are very contrary to his raw instincts) in his mind and knows the difference between being right & wrong while on the track.

He knew he was cheating on that day. Therefore, the RIB panel (dressed in a running rail costume) handed down it's firm but fair justice with an immediate response, without allowing Hans the opportunity to defend himself. There's simply no defense for cheating of this magnitude.

He got what he deserved because he's a cheat and the penalty will stand as a deterrent from any further offending from him or any his peers, at least until the 10 years old promise to install a safety rail at Manukau is finally actioned.

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