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Bit Of A Yarn


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barryb last won the day on July 22 2019

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  1. There was a significant crowd at Te Rapa, probably the only larger day in the last 12 months was Cup day in mid December, all areas of the course were pretty much full. Not sure on the Grand Tour part of it, there were signs up for it etc, I don't understand what it is or even why.
  2. Very simply if you are not vaccinated you will be squeezed out of the NZ employment market, in almost all industries. Its happening now if you are visiting some sites and if you are not vaccinated or refuse to state (treated as no) then you are not allowed on site. This is gaining momentum and is driving vaccination by fear of future prospects, whether it’s against legislation or not, it’s reality right now. I can see a time soon where you won’t be allowed into cafes/restaurants/shops unless jabbed, it’s peer pressure fear at its worst. Colleagues will refuse to work alongside you & so on, creating massive dilemmas for employers, dream on if you think this isn’t happening now. You are free to choose & we can’t ask you your status but be prepared to declare it when seeking employment elsewhere or at contract renewal time.
  3. 15 yrs is a long time Freda, Tradition & Pomp is undone in 5 mins by wrong doing. Have a look at the training ranks here for example, would more than 50% be over 60yrs old?, owners & participants in general wouldn’t be much different, that’s not a long term survival plan.
  4. Ya dreaming Nomates, racing won’t exist in 15 yrs in any location other than maybe pockets of Aus.
  5. 954am Hamilton was not broadcasting this morning. Not a good start.
  6. Imagine being the owner and having shelled out many thousands on this horse to see that shit happening.
  7. Typical left wing response, cannot entertain that others have a differing opinion. Instead they are Morons,Racists & Dickheads. 3 pages on this topic and rantings from you, far outweigh the crime. Shaun made a mistake, got reprimanded, move on.
  8. Absolutely brilliant, T will be offended at it for sure.
  9. I don't think so, the doll he was using got caught in an Easterly & ended up way out to sea off Piha, some Aussie probably has been using her/him for a while by now.
  10. Some of what you say is right, however the decline was happening long before this period. The issue is far too many fuddy duddies were running racing clubs, reluctant to embrace any change to their priviledged positions, today we are reaping the result of this. Here's an example of what is at play and how little interest there is. Warnambool v Te Rapa, have similar racing day numbers. Warnambool has a pop of 35,000 v Hamilton pop of around 170,000, Warnambool has a membership of over 2000 at $280 a year, Te Rapa would be struggling to have 150 at $125 a year. Many of the Warnambool members are from Melbourne which is 3 hours away, how many of the Te Rapa members do you think are from Auckland which is 1.5hrs away?.
  11. Racing is like all sports in NZ, the choice has got far wider for the dollar & for viewing. People in racing are narrow in there thinking if they dont understand that most others are grapling with reduced patronage & participation. Have a look at Golf memberships (in freefall), Rugby Union is in massive decline for school age up to senior club level, even the old humble beach surfcaster guy has dropped away to now Xmas holidays if hes lucky. Weekend shops open has created another dimension, people work far more at weekends & are busy in 2 income families running errands everywhere. The days you talk about above was Dad working 8-5 mon-fri, with Mum at home or part time, those days are long gone for everyone.
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