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Another Van Beynon harness story


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Former harness racing chair helps disgraced champ on comeback trail

Martin Van Beynen

Matt Anderson is currently banned from racecourses due to his criminal offending.

A former harness racing star who kicked and choked a woman, leaving her fearing for her life, wants to become a trainer and is receiving support from industry figures.

Matt Anderson is a former New Zealand representative and national premiership-winning harness racing driver who is banned from racecourses until at least next year due to his criminal offending.

Two racing industry figures – former trainer Peter Jones and former Harness Racing New Zealand (HRNZ) chairman Ken Spicer – have recently met with new HRNZ chief executive Gary Woodham to discuss a “pathway” for Anderson to get back into the industry. Spicer is still on the board of HRNZ.

Jones, whose stepdaughter is Anderson’s partner, has publicly stated he believes racing needs a better mechanism for getting people like Anderson back into the sport. He points to rugby as a template for rehabilitating errant players.

Spicer, in a series of text messages, said Anderson had approached him as a friend to “help him understand what the process is around trying to get a pathway back into the industry” as a trainer.

“If a young person asks for assistance I will assist them. It's only you journos looking for another negative story that worry about how it may look [for a person in his position to be seen to support Anderson],” Spicer, a horse breeder, told Stuff.

“There is a process to follow, rules to be adhered to and a stringent licensing criteria to be met.”

It was not “his call” to decide whether Anderson deserved to be allowed back into racing, he said.

Anderson said it would be inappropriate for him to comment.

Under harness racing rules, Anderson is banned from racecourses for at least two years. He can apply for an exemption but that is rarely granted within the ban period. At the expiry of the ban he will still need to apply for an exemption and will also need to meet character requirements to qualify for a training licence.

Matt Anderson was discharged without conviction on drugs charges at the Christchurch District Court last year.

In November, Anderson was sentenced to three months’ community detention and 12 months’ intense supervision after he was found guilty of charges of assault and strangulation in a judge-alone trial at the Christchurch District Court.

The court heard how he grabbed his victim around the neck and choked her, then threw her out of his house and locked the door to prevent her from getting her car keys that were still inside. The victim managed to crawl through an open window, but was assaulted and kicked in the side of the face as she lay on the ground.

The victim called 111 and told the emergency operator she thought Anderson was going to kill her. She was told to run towards the road. She jumped into a ditch and hid until she saw a police car arrive.

Anderson’s racecourse ban came after a six-month stand-down imposed on August 1 after he was charged for acts deemed detrimental to the interests of harness racing. It related to a district court appearance where he was discharged without conviction after admitting possessing the party drug MDMA for supply, and two charges of supplying MDMA.

Woodham, a former high-level member of the TAB's executive team, who recently took over as chief executive of HRNZ, did not respond to messages.

However, Woodham told The Star the meeting with Jones and Spicer was an opportunity to discuss many aspects of Anderson’s case.

“I must emphasise, however, that it was an informal meeting and not an official request for reinstatement,” he said.

“The upshot of those discussions, and subsequent inquiries regarding eligibility, is that Matt Anderson is not able to be reinstated and that is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.”




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I have no issue with the article, I have an issue with industry participants like Anderson and Kerr acting like sooks and wanting sympathy when they have knowingly and willingly brought the industry down yet have the nerve to cry foul when the punishment in there eyes is to harsh.... how about you piss off and get a different job. no matter how good a driver and potential trainer you think you are your actions and choices over the last few years show you only give a toss about yourself Matt Anderson and any potential owners would have to be bonkers to invest in you.

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I have already read about M Anderson about the strangle thing and drug thing in previous articles, along with others members of the public.

My suggestion would be for Harness NZ to go to the Racing Minster about this journo.

That is now 6 negative articles in 6 months.

How many jobs does this industry employ & how much $ does it bring to the economy again?

How much did the govt recently give to racing not that long ago?

A reprieve, a balance or as the idiom goes to cut the head off the snake, would all be options to discuss.

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I don't see why everyone keeps knocking the journalist. He's just doing what journalists do.

Just as those supporting Andersons pathway back are doing what they can. Why wouldn't they.

Personally i don't see anything negative to the story. Just a bit premature to write about it as its not really that interesting to the general public at this point.

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8 hours ago, the galah said:

I don't see why everyone keeps knocking the journalist. He's just doing what journalists do.

Just as those supporting Andersons pathway back are doing what they can. Why wouldn't they.

Personally i don't see anything negative to the story. Just a bit premature to write about it as its not really that interesting to the general public at this point.

Hey Galahs,

1. Drugs, choked & even potentially banned I see as being (bad) words having a negative impact on reader. These words are free flowing. How does that make harness look as a whole. The subject is about a ex not current harness person.

2. Omitting from article Orange attended a industry function night prior (if true). Potentially results in misleading public to think Harness drivers drink same day & drive.

3. D Butcher writing a letter to ask for a review of new whip (encourager rule) rule. Did journo follow it up saying the result of outcome? Did he follow it up with a story about how much drivers are being personally fined for breaking rules. Comes out of their own pocket. To add balance?

4. McGrath article was borderline whether it would be interesting to general public. It could be argued he was just a harness trainer. The emphasis was that he was a cheat. Title Champ to Cheat. Story could have been written that industry are cracking down. It leaves the reader feeling like potentially lots in industry are cheats oppose the industry cracking down.

Projection out as current pattern, could be 12 months 12 more negative stories. The impact that could further have on perception of Harness as a whole ... ?

I know everyone see things differently so I wont push my view point anymore.

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9 hours ago, the galah said:

I don't see why everyone keeps knocking the journalist. He's just doing what journalists do.

I disagree.  He may well be doing what this generation of journalists do - sensationalise non-news, present and disguise biased opinion as fact, undertake personal crusades and so on.  Aided and abetted of course by those of us that feed on salacious gossip and the continual reinforcement of our prejudices and fears.  Or worse aided and abetted by those within the industry who have an agenda.

Society and democracy is worse off for this change.  The Fourth Estate once was a strong pillar of our Democracy.  Actually I'm sure some of you reading this don't even know what the "Fourth Estate" means.  Definition:  It is a collective term for the profession of journalism and the "press".  Their profession arose from a societal need to keep the other pillars of Democracy honest and transparent - the Government/Judiciary and Nobility, the Clergy (religion) and the Commoner.  It sought to inform and seek the truth from a position of neutrality.

What does the latest Van Beynen piece achieve?  It rehashes what has previously been reported regarding Anderson's conviction so that isn't "news".  It talks about Anderson having presumably private conversations during his rehabilitation with industry stakeholders to ascertain how and what he needs to do to work in the only industry he has any training or skill in.  Is that really news?  One would hope that a young person such as Anderson is trying to get back to being a positive contributor to society.

In my opinion the objective of the so called "journalist" is clearly apparent.  The Title and opening sentence clearly broadcast where Beynen is coming from.  "disgraced champ" "currently banned for his criminal offending" "former industry leaders assisting"  All facts but the context and journalistic style is confrontational, opinionated and targeted.

Who told Van Beynen about this approach to HRNZ?  It looks like the source is the HRNZ CEO Gary Woodham or those close to him.  A true investigative journalist would have queried what Woodham's motivation was for the releasing of this information.  Perhaps Beynen should dig into Woodham's past at the TAB where he was General Manager Customer and Channels, overpaid and delivered little (destroyed a lot).  Hell a decent journalist would have a field day.  But no the targets are the workers in the industry not those who have and are sucking the life out of it.  Remember the $45,000 of industry money Woodham paid for 3 tables to watch the Lions Test?  The same guy that shafted the Friday Flash AND The Informant.


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19 minutes ago, Brodie said:

Maybe we should not be mentioning this Van Beynon?

Someone should dig up some shit about this ....!

That was actually a suggestion, that I received Brods. Reverse role have him as the "subject".

Something along the lines of ...

Veteran Journo tearing down the Harness Industry - (Opinion piece)

Its not my thing to participate in, hence didn’t mention it. I'm just replying to you, not suggesting it at all.

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So chief,you don't want him writing negative articles,but you would make an exception to that if it was written about Mr Woodham? Is that what you are saying?

Then we have the suggestion from others that an article be written about the journalists negative stories on harness racing. Well that would be counter productive as it would just draw more attention to the stories already written.

And the criticism about him only writing mostly negative things.  Isn't that what most of us do on this forum,so isn't that  a case of "the pot calling the kettle black". Maybe its true that we,as well as the journalist should write more positive content,but thats not how it normally goes is it.

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23 minutes ago, the galah said:

Then we have the suggestion from others that an article be written about the journalists negative stories on harness racing. Well that would be counter productive as it would just draw more attention to the stories already written.

And the criticism about him only writing mostly negative things.  Isn't that what most of us do on this forum,so isn't that  a case of "the pot calling the kettle black". Maybe its true that we,as well as the journalist should write more positive content,but thats not how it normally goes is it.

Hey G again

Just to clarify the suggestion was not mine, just something put to me, the idea was along the lines to counter him so that when another negative article come out, the public would be go in reading it that he maybe on some sort of crusade against the industry.

I would consider myself as being someone that mainly writes positive on here.

I first & foremost am seeking balance of sort. Even if it was 1 positive to 4 negatives.

Ok over and out, have a fab day :-)

Edited by Karrots
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21 minutes ago, the galah said:

So chief,you don't want him writing negative articles,but you would make an exception to that if it was written about Mr Woodham? Is that what you are saying?

No what I want is BALANCE and FAIRNESS!  Easy pickings putting the boot into those at the bottom of the pile struggling to make a living.  Easy to feed off "information" leaked to you by the top HRNZ administrator with no questions asked about the agenda.

Take the Pete Lamb saga - that has been going on for 10 to 15 YEARS!  No investigative article from Beynen!

26 minutes ago, the galah said:

And the criticism about him only writing mostly negative things.  Isn't that what most of us do on this forum,so isn't that  a case of "the pot calling the kettle black". Maybe its true that we,as well as the journalist should write more positive content,but thats not how it normally goes is it.

That's the purpose of a forum.  I have always likened it to the locals tables at the local pub.  We turn up and have conversations some more animated than others.  We participate in democracy by having a conversation.  Extreme and radical ideas are either moderated or accepted.  A consensus is reached - democracy works. 

It isn't the role of a Journalist to express opinion.  Their role (once) is to investigate all angles, uncover corruption, expose the truth, provide balance and fairness and information for the public debate.  Assist democracy NOT impede it!  Now the MSM (mainstream media) are captured by ideology and or salacious gossip.

Before Lockdown in NZ I used to read everyday online CNN and occasionally but rarely other "news" sites e.g. NBC, ABC, FOX.  I thought CNN provided a balanced and accurate view of the USA and the World.  When I had more time on my hands during Lockdown I decided to widen my reading and to spend more time on the other sites.  My attitude changed one day when I read an article on CNN that had information that to my logical and science trained mind just didn't add up.  So I dug deeper and sourced the actual data.  What CNN had written was completely wrong but not only inaccurate but also blatantly biased.  I started to dig more frequently.  Time and time again the same result.  Ironically when I fact checked I found that some news agencies that I had previously ignored were indeed more accurate.

Now when I read an article the moment I get to "an unnamed Whitehouse source has said" I stop reading.  In the Beynen article the source is obvious - the CEO of HRNZ.  Doesn't that raise flags with you?

Frighteningly when you dig past what our media is telling us by selectively quoting a few "experts"about the Pandemic you find that our pandemic management is not driven by "good" science or even "good" scientists but by ideology.  I've read nearly every research paper written by Baker, Wilson, Boyd, Hendy and Wills (not the she has written many papers).  I would have expected a "good" journalist to have done the same.  If they had they should be afraid - very afraid.

Anyway a little off topic....



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48 minutes ago, the galah said:

And the criticism about him only writing mostly negative things.  Isn't that what most of us do on this forum,so isn't that  a case of "the pot calling the kettle black". Maybe its true that we,as well as the journalist should write more positive content,but thats not how it normally goes is it.

Totally !!! I thought it was his job to report stuff. So if it perceived as negative, so be it. 

There is a Positive though already.  All of us reading Van Beynen, or BOAY, or just harness racing news people are learning all the time, especially What Not to Do , and avoid these situations themslves if they can. Think of it as a warning or 'you're on notice' for harness racing industry participants.....

from all the cases reported , Lessons are learned, ...... 

Kerr, Anderson, Orange ,McGrath ,Lamb, and others all doing "errors/offences, whatever you want to call it' does cause great reaction, therefore Improvements are made . .....  all good.

NOT keen on people being called cheats, while doing the best they can in a race though as a driver/ trainer (unless they are convicted /penalised of/for such activity)

Forbury/retarded driver drove me nuts lol ..........(don't think he is a reporter......lol) 

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26 minutes ago, Gammalite said:

Kerr, Anderson, Orange ,McGrath ,Lamb, and others all doing "errors/offences, whatever you want to call it' does cause great reaction, therefore Improvements are made . .....  all good.

All well and good if it is an approach done equitably and quickly.  15 years to sort Lamb out?  Seems it still isn't done.

Some of those you mention were "caught" as an unintended consequence of a failed and very expensive investigation.  A saga that seems to be still going.  Shouldn't those that started the mess be subjected to the some performance scrutiny as the grassroots worker?  In any other industry if you Project Managed a project and ended up millions over budget and failed to deliver any of the original goals then you would be sacked.

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6 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

All well and good if it is an approach done equitably and quickly.  15 years to sort Lamb out?  Seems it still isn't done.

Some of those you mention were "caught" as an unintended consequence of a failed and very expensive investigation.  A saga that seems to be still going.  Shouldn't those that started the mess be subjected to the some performance scrutiny as the grassroots worker?  In any other industry if you Project Managed a project and ended up millions over budget and failed to deliver any of the original goals then you would be sacked.

Well at least it is being investigated in some form , ,,,,  if you mean INCA then it is good. If industry participants were acting outside the guidelines of Fair play , maybe they're NOT now??  the thought of getting caught too great??

So is good to have them (investigators) around for that reason Chief. even if not catching anyone.

Maybe not enough evidence to convict ? at the rate you would like. All industry (and even COURT offences , some take years) are a long drawn out process , that can lead to stale-mates  in the end. 

Lamb , seems a bit of a stalemate, McGrath was caught-out, every case is different , and yeah , quite slow at times,.......    like the whole WHIP debacle in Harness and gallops.... slow progress , but people are still working on it to make changes for benefit  animal welfare , public perception, good racing, punters getting run for their money, 

Very very tough on the riders and drivers though (the SLOW tinkering with rules) Things take time though.


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58 minutes ago, Gammalite said:

There is a Positive though already.  All of us reading Van Beynen, or BOAY, or just harness racing news people are learning all the time, especially What Not to Do , and avoid these situations themslves if they can. Think of it as a warning or 'you're on notice' for harness racing industry participants.....

from all the cases reported , Lessons are learned, ...... 

Great way to put things Gamms from the other perspective. I actually agree with it anyway in sense that yes all trainers on notice. 

Journos do target people or potentially an industry. Anyone ever been targeted?

Brings back memories when 1 day, I woke up to a gossip columnist writing a negative article about myself. Shock was 1st reaction & thinking wait, what, why, this is ridiculous.

From then on I was targeted 😔 until the journo left 😄

Not for any reason of bad behaviour, no scandal or drugs, absolutely nothing. For some unbeknown reason this journo decided they personally didn’t like me. The journo also picked on others too. The journo also had pets. I'm guessing the journo left in the end as had picked on 1 too many people …. maybe was just a toxic person in general.

Can see the other viewpoint btw Galah/Gamms. Have just come to conclusion this journo is biased against Harness as a whole for an unknown reason & speaking from experience.

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3 minutes ago, Gammalite said:

Well at least it is being investigated in some form , ,,,,  if you mean INCA then it is good. If industry participants were acting outside the guidelines of Fair play , maybe they're NOT now??  the thought of getting caught too great??

But WHAT was/is being investigated?  WHAT has actually been uncovered that relates to the purpose of the original investigation?  ZILCH, NADA!  FFS wire taps, data mining, hiding in hedges, surreptitious surveillance, snitches - what did they find?  Recreational drug use and that was only as a consequence!  

Has anyone actually thought that they found nothing because NOTHING was actually happening!  

11 minutes ago, Gammalite said:

So is good to have them (investigators) around for that reason Chief. even if not catching anyone.

Gammalite suggest you buy a burner phone who knows you might be under RIU "surveillance"....

12 minutes ago, Gammalite said:

Maybe not enough evidence to convict ? at the rate you would like. All industry (and even COURT offences , some take years) are a long drawn out process , that can lead to stale-mates  in the end. 

So not enough evidence to convict but will get you anyway aka Arthur Allan Thomas.

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1 hour ago, Gammalite said:

All of us reading Van Beynen, or BOAY, or just harness racing news people are learning all the time, especially What Not to Do , and avoid these situations themslves if they can.

Bad Law is worse than No Law.  A "Police Force" not subject to scrutiny or repercussion is just a gang of thugs.

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Does anyone know if anyone has challenged the following rule in court under the Human Rights Act on the basis of discrimination?  Seems to me to be only two rules stopping Anderson from a comeback.

Rule 115:  Undesirable Persons
No person declared by the Board to be an undesirable person shall be employed by any Club or Body bound by these Rules and no person whose employment or engagement by Club or Body bound by these Rules and no person whose employment or engagement by declared by the Board to be undesirable as contrary to the interests of harness racing shall be so employed or engaged.

Rule 311 (3) 
(3) A Public Trainer's Licence or a Licence To Train shall not be granted to any person who does not satisfy the Board by the production of acceptable written evidence that he is financially sound and of good character.

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13 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

But WHAT was/is being investigated?  WHAT has actually been uncovered that relates to the purpose of the original investigation?  ZILCH, NADA!  FFS wire taps, data mining, hiding in hedges, surreptitious surveillance, snitches - what did they find?  Recreational drug use and that was only as a consequence!  

Has anyone actually thought that they found nothing because NOTHING was actually happening!  

Gammalite suggest you buy a burner phone who knows you might be under RIU "surveillance"....

So not enough evidence to convict but will get you anyway aka Arthur Allan Thomas.

Hahaha ....you need some policing Chief or not just the racing but society would collapse in general.

It is a GREAT result then !! for Harness racing if nothing was actually happening! I'm very pleased... 

Sure , people hate breathalisers (like mr Orange/ Butt) as well, but would be TOTAL chaos on road (and racetrack it does seem ) without them.  and not a great look for harness racing as a PROFESSIONAL SPORT.

I had opportunity to be a VIC harness steward , when retired from training/driving but turned it down as (apart from aversion to flying on small aircraft to country tracks) I was told you do stable RAIDS every second day. !

I said "Fuck that , that's Police work,!! isn't that trespass without a warrant? isn't that burglary going through trainers 'Toolboxes' ? " so needless to say they can investigate without me. Blair spent $1000 telling them to fuck off hahaha

I just would of liked to Pull apart drivers/tactics in a race as a steward, Just like any good BOAY poster!!!!  lol...... 


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